Mar 9, 2021Liberal Democrats are sensing new momentum behind their years-long drive to overhaul the Senate's hallowed filibuster - but they stillface a thorny pathto weaken the powerful tactic long ...
Kofinis' old boss, Joe Manchin, one of the last red-state Democrats, is probably the biggest obstacle to Democrats finding 50 votes for filibusterreform. Where Manchin stands isn't entirely ...
Nov 12, 2024It's a good thing the Senate Democrats didn't listen. In the aftermath of last week's election, Republicans appear poised to have full control of the federal government starting in January.
So, what exactly can Democrats do with a governing trifecta (control of the U.S. Senate, House and presidency) but not a filibuster-proof margin in the Senate?
President Biden and congressional Democrats made a new push Thursday for voting rights legislation. The House passed a repackaged set of two bills aimed at blunting Republican-passed state laws ...
Jun 2, 2021Some defenders of the Senate's filibuster rules are reconsidering their past refusal to gut the potent stall tactic if Republicans carry through with their plans to block Democratic legislation ...
Democrats are about to face another stress test over the filibuster, triggered this time by a high-priority bill to remake U.S. election laws, headed Tuesday for a dead end due to the 60-vote rule.
In the past centrist members from conservative states, like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, have either opposed or at the very least been lukewarm to such a shift. Eliminating the filibuster would cut the number of votes needed to pass most major legislation in the Senate from 60 to 50.
But is there a path forward for either bill with the filibuster as it now stands? And can Democrats agree on any specific reformsto the filibuster that could make democracy reform possible?
Liberal Democrats are sensing new momentum behind their years-long drive to overhaul the Senate's hallowed filibuster -- but they stillface a thorny pathto weaken the powerful tactic long used ...
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